
Saturday, 8 February 2020

This activity is important because marketing managers need to understand how the purchase situation affects the purchase decision process. There are five primary situational influences that have an impact on the process, including purchase task, social surroundings, physical surroundings, temporal effects, and antecedent states. While marketing managers cannot directly control all of these factors, managers must work toward positively managing those factors that they can.

Situational Influences

This activity is important because marketing managers need to understand how the purchase situation affects the purchase decision process. There are five primary situational influences that have an impact on the process, including purchase task, social surroundings, physical surroundings, temporal effects, and antecedent states. While marketing managers cannot directly control all of these factors, managers must work toward positively managing those factors that they can.

 The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of the five primary situational influence categories.

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