
Saturday, 8 February 2020

This activity is important because many companies use a specific sequence of steps to develop new products efficiently and make their products ready for market, something known as the new-product development process. The new-product development process includes seven stages an organization goes through as it identifies business opportunities and converts them to a salable good or service.

New-Product Development Process

This activity is important because many companies use a specific sequence of steps to develop new products efficiently and make their products ready for market, something known as the new-product development process. The new-product development process includes seven stages an organization goes through as it identifies business opportunities and converts them to a salable good or service.

By any measure, Apple, Inc. is a successful company. From its inception, when it made one computer for what was then the entire market for small computers, Apple has evolved into a company that makes a variety of products for a number of different market segments—everything from computers to digital music players to cell phones.

The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of the new-product development process as applied to the development of the Apple iPhone.

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