
Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Strategy formulation is the managing of forces during the action, whereas strategy implementation is the positioning of forces before the action.

1) Effective strategy formulation can usually guarantee successful strategy implementation.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 213
Objective:  7.01 Explain why strategy implementation is more difficult than strategy formulation.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

2) Strategy formulation is the managing of forces during the action, whereas strategy implementation is the positioning of forces before the action.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 213
Objective:  7.01 Explain why strategy implementation is more difficult than strategy formulation.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

3) Strategy formulation requires coordination among a few individuals, but strategy implementation requires coordination among many.
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 213
Objective:  7.01 Explain why strategy implementation is more difficult than strategy formulation.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

4) It is always easier to say you are going to do something (strategy formulation) than to actually do it (strategy implementation).
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 213
Objective:  7.01 Explain why strategy implementation is more difficult than strategy formulation.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

5) Unlike strategy formulation, strategy implementation varies considerably among different types and sizes of organizations.
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 214
Objective:  7.01 Explain why strategy implementation is more difficult than strategy formulation.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

6) A bottom-up flow of communication is essential for developing top-down support.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 214
AACSB:  Reflective Thinking Skills
Objective:  7.01 Explain why strategy implementation is more difficult than strategy formulation.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

7) Annual objectives are key components in the strategic-management process because they dictate how resources will be allocated.
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 219
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation
8) Horizontal consistency is more important than vertical consistency in developing annual objectives.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 216
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

9) Undesirable conduct such as distorting the records can be a result of overemphasis on achieving objectives.
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 217
AACSB:  Ethical Understanding and Reasoning Abilities
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

10) Policies refer to specific guidelines, methods, procedures, rules, forms, and administrative practices established to support and encourage work toward stated goals.
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 217
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

11) Strategies clarify what can and cannot be done in pursuit of an organization's objectives.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 217
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation
12) Not allocating resources according to the priorities indicated by approved objectives is detrimental to the strategic-management process.
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 219
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

13) Four types of resources that can be used to achieve desired objectives are financial, physical, human, and technological.
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 219
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation
14) Avoidance, defusion, and confrontation are the classifications for the various types of conflict that can arise in organizations.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 219
AACSB:  Communication Abilities
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

15) Well-run organizations are able to completely avoid conflict.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 3    Page Ref: 219
AACSB:  Communication Abilities
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

16) In the context of conflict management and resolution, ignoring the problem in the hopes that the conflict will resolve itself is classified as a defusion technique.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 219
AACSB:  Communication Abilities
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

17) Holding a meeting at which conflicting parties present their views and work through their differences is part of the defusion technique of managing conflict.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 3    Page Ref: 220
AACSB:  Communication Abilities
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

18) Exchanging members of conflicting parties so each can gain an appreciation of the other's point of view exemplifies a confrontation approach.
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 220
AACSB:  Communication Abilities
Objective:  7.02 Discuss the importance of annual objectives and policies in achieving organizational commitment for strategies to be implemented.
Learning Outcome:  Discuss best practices for strategy implementation

19) Medium-sized firms tend to be divisionally structured, whereas large firms tend to use an SBU (strategic business unit) or matrix structure.
Answer:  TRUE
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 220
Objective:  7.03 Explain why organizational structure is so important in strategy implementation.
Learning Outcome:  Compare and contrast approaches to organizational structure
20) Tasks and activities are grouped together by business function in a divisional organizational structure.
Answer:  FALSE
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 221-222
Objective:  7.03 Explain why organizational structure is so important in strategy implementation.
Learning Outcome:  Compare and contrast approaches to organizational structure

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