
Thursday, 16 October 2014

Luisa is making a list of things that she will need for her classes this semester. First, click PLAY for La lista to listen to the list of possible items. Then click PLAY for Habla Luisa and listen carefully to Luisa's list. Indicate if she needs the items (Sí) nor not (No). For each item that Luisa needs, write the number (in digits) in the textbox. For items she doesn't need, write a dash (-) in the textbox.

Luisa is making a list of things that she will need for her classes this semester. First, click PLAY for La lista to listen to the list of possible items. Then click PLAY for Habla Luisa and listen carefully to Luisa's list. Indicate if she needs the items () nor not (No). For each item that Luisa needs, write the number (in digits) in the textbox. For items she doesn't need, write a dash (-) in the textbox.
Don’t be distracted by unfamiliar vocabulary; concentrate instead on the words that you do know. ¡OJO! Not all items on the list will be mentioned. Hint: If a noun ends in -s, it is plural.
La lista
Habla Luisa.

¿Cuántos o cuántas?
3 correct
1 correct
5 correct
No correct
- correct
lápiz (lápices)
1 correct
libro(s) de texto
7 correct
1 correct
No correct
- correct
pizarrón blanco (pizarrones blancos)
No correct
- correct

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